Friday, July 11, 2014

Japanese Sound Effects in Manga And What Do They Mean (A to Z)

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a = general interjection: oh, uh, ah

a! = exclamation of surprise, alarm, amazement, relief, frustration, fury: Oh! Ack! Agh! Ah! Argh! Also inarticulate sound of pain or passion: Ah! Oh!

aaaa! = same as above, but more so 

aa = yes, okay, sure 

aa(aaa)n = opening the mouth wide, as in "Say ah!" Used when feeding or being fed by someone.

aan, an = cry of passion (see a!) 

acha = remorse 

agi agi = bite bite, gnaw, sink your cute little fangs into (see also agu agu, kaji) 

agu agu = bite bite (see also agi agi, kaji) 

ahaha = laughter (see also ha ha ha for masculine laughter, and ho ho ho for refined feminine laughter) 

arayotto, hoisatto = K-san: "These are used when one is doing some physical task and finishing it easily. One uses either or both of them at a time."

ba = sudden impact. English equivalents would be: bam, bang, crash, ka-boom, thump, thud, wham, whomp, etc. (See also bagu, baki, ban, bashi, bata, batan, bokan, bun, dan, doka, don, doshin, dote, ga, ka, kon, paka, pan, pashi, patan, poka, pon, to, ton, among others.) 

bachi = crackle (see also bari, biri) 

bagu = impact 

baki = impact (one of the most common impact sounds) or other very loud sound 

ban = bang! bam! 

ban = sometimes added to a scene for dramatic effect, to show that something astonishing or important has happened (see also don) 

bara bara = rattle rattle (see also chara chara, gara gara) 

bari bari = crunch, as in eating. K-san: "Pori pori is the quietest crunching. Pori pori is for cookies; bari bari is for chips. Kori kori is for broccoli and asparagus." (see also kori, pari, pori) 

bari bari = scratch scratch (see also giri giri, kiri kiri) 

bari bari = rip rip (see also biri biri) 

bari bari = crackle, crackle? Anyway, energy or electricity, just like biri biri. Pari pari is a quieter crackle, just as pori is a quieter crunch than bari. (see also bachi) 

basa = rustling, e.g. cloth sliding, paper moving (see also pasa) 

bashan = medium splash (see also zabun for a very big splash) 

bashi, bashito = impact (see also nashi, pashi)

bata, batan = impact, often used for falling down 

batan = door slamming (see also patan) 

batchiri = precise, proper, accurate 

becho = dropping something. K-san says it means dropping something sticky (and see beto beto), but we've seen it used for Yuusuke dropping Kuwabara. Maybe Kuwabara was sticky at the moment. 

bee, bee da = rudeness, what you say when you stick out your tongue and pull down your eyelid at someone. From 'Bero bero akkan-bee (or akanbei).' Like the mocking Western 'nya nya!' 

bero = peeling back 

bero bero = licking over and over, stronger than pero 

betari = people or objects that stick together (physically or metaphorically) 

beto beto = sticky, gummy 

bi, biiii = highpitched sound: shriek, wail (see also kiiii) 

bicha bicha = small splash (see also bashan for medium splash, zabun for big splash) 

bichi bichi = flopping, smacking 

biku, bikun, bikkun = surprise (see also piku)

biri = electricity, energy 

biri biri = tearing, as in ripping cloth, opening a potato chip bag (see also bari, piri) 

biron = tongue hanging out 

bishi = whip, slap, smack, depending on the degree of power 

bo = flame, fire (see also gooo, guooo, po). W-san: "'Bo' is like the 'whoosh' of a gas range turned on." 

bo = sluggish and exhausted (see also doyon) 

bochan = kerplunk (see also pochan) 

bochi bochi = something happening steadily, as in water dripping 

bokan = sudden impact 

boketto = gazing vacantly 

boko = boiling, bubbling. Can also be any 'pop' or bursting sound. (see also buku) 

bon = sound of magical transformation or appearance, often seen with a puff of smoke (see also pon/pom, dororonpa) 

bosa bosa = unkempt, also sitting around lazily 

boso boso = muttering, speaking in a hushed, unclear voice. M.J. says of boso, busu, and musu: "All of them what muttered sulky Japanese sounds like--'bananas bananas' said through the nose, so to speak; because you don't complain out loud." (see also busu, guzu, gyaa, musu) 

bota = dripping, possibly something thick dripping, like blood. Compare to pi, picha, po, pota. (see also dara dara for thick liquid dripping)

boto boto, bote = falling 

botsu = whoosh 

buchi = snap. Can be used metaphorically, such as when Hiei snaps under the pressure of learning he's a father. 

buchi buchi = ripping, tearing 

buchu = kiss (see also chu, nchu, uchu) 

buku, bukubuku = swelling, something swollen (see also puku) 

buku, bukubuku = boiling, bubbles 

bui = 'V' for victory. Sound of fingers making the V-sign. 

bunchchacha = music. Yes, really. Bun is a slow beat and cha cha quick beats. (see also runtata) 

bun, buun = swish 

buun = buzz, whir, as of an insect 

buran = hanging, dangling 

burororo = sound of a loud motor, as of an automobile (see also oooo) 

Buru = a head being shaken violently in the negative 

busu busu = the sound of something smoldering or smoking. Used for the embers after Hiei's fire attacks. (see also pusu pusu) 

busu, busu busu, usuto, butsu = muttered complaining (see boso, guzu, gyaa, musu) 

buwa = explosion 

buyo buyo = squishy and swollen, waterlogged 

bwahaha = evil laugh, same as fwahaha, gahaha, gwahaha 

byu = quick movement, such as the leaps Hiei makes (see also hyu, gyu, pyu) 

chapon, chapu = plunk (water sound) (see also shapu) 

chara chara = rattle, clatter, jingle (see also bara bara, gara gara) 

chi, ch' = Various translators: "I think of it as a tongue-clicking noise." "It means 'shit.'" "I think it's better translated as 'damn' since it's about the equivalent in vulgarity." "Probably a--mm, vocal referent, would you call it?--to chikushou, another of the 'oh shit' words." You can see why we decided to leave it as ch'. ^_^ 

chichichi = how you call a cat 

chi chi = high shrill noise 

chira, chirari, chiron = quick sideways glance

chiri chiri = curly, frizzy 

chiri chiri = tingle of heat, shiver of cold (see also zoku for shiver) 

chirin = chime 

chiyahoya = fuss over, butter up 

choki choki = cutting, as with knives or scissors 

chokon = small and quiet 

chu = kiss (see also nchu, uchu) 

chu = suck (as through a straw) 

chun chun = chirp chirp (see also pii pii for peep peep) 

da da da, daaaaaaaa = running away (see also do do do, ta, ta ta ta) 

dan = bang, boom, sudden impact 

dara dara = continuous dripping of thick liquid, like blood, sweat, saliva drool (see also jo, jururu, zururu) 

dere dere = sloppy, loose. Also to go goofy over someone, to fawn. 

do = big impact 

do = heartbeat, the loudest kind! (see also doki doki, dokun, tokun) 

do do do do = footsteps, especially heavy footsteps, running (see also da) 

do do do do = quick punches 

Dobi = missed kick 

doka = impact 

doki doki = heartbeat (see also dokun, tokun) 

dokun = harder heartbeat (see also doki, tokun)

don = BIG impact 

don = sometimes added to a scene for dramatic effect, to show that something astonishing or important has happened (see also ban) 

dondon = continuous action 

dopyu = spurting (as in blood) K-san: "The 'pyu' is the spurting (quick action, just like 'pyu' on its own), and the 'do' emphasizes it, just as in 'dosu.'" 

doron, dororonpa = the sound of magical transformation (see also bon, pon, pom) 

dorya = what to yell as you attack; a fighting taunt or war cry. (see also ora, orya, sorya, uraa)

dosa = thud of something heavy (often a person or body) hitting the floor 

doshin = impact 

Dosshu = a cut through bone 

dosu = spurting. K-san: "The 'su' is the spurting, and the 'do' emphasizes it, just as in 'dopyu.'" 

dotabata = running around wildly, as in panic or confusion (compare to jitabata for flailing) 

dote = impact, falling. W-san: "This sound is often used in reference to the frequent, usually comical falls toddler are always taking. With adults it means a careless, slapstick fall." 

doyon = sluggish and exhausted, depressed (see also bo) 

e! e? = what! huh? We usually translate this as 'eh?' although the Japanese 'e?' is less colloquial and informal than the Western 'eh?' 

e, eeee = cry, wail (see also hu-e, miiii) 

ee = yes, okay, sure 

eeto = (said by a character) um, er, uh. What you say while you're thinking of what to say. 

ehen = we've had this translated as both 'ahem!' and 'haha!' 

ei = shriek 

fua, fuwa, fa = yawn 

fu, fua (hu hua) = sigh, blowing breath out (as in blowing out a candle) 

fu fu fu (hu hu hu) = a strange laugh. M.J.: "The evil chuckle in the back of the throat." (see also ku ku ku, pu pu pu) 

fuki fuki = wiping 

fumi = step, stomp 

fumu (humu) = hmmph, hmm, uh-huh (see also umu) 

funka funka (hunka hunka) = sniff sniff, inhale (see also nku, kunka) 

fura = yawn (see also fua) 

fura = drift 

fura = dizziness (see also kura) 

fura, fura fura = wobble, totter 

fura, furi, furu = tremble, quiver (see also puru) 

fusa = abundant, soft hair. (Or, in these stories, somebody touching it.) 

fuwa, fuwato = gentle movement, lifting or floating 

fuwari, funwara = even gentler, calmer movement than fuwato 

fwahaha = evil laugh, same as bwahaha, gahaha, gwahaha 

ga = yet another impact word 

gaba = grab (see also gashi, gu, gui, gya, gyu, ku, kyu) 

gaba gaba = gurgling 

gaba gaba = too big (as of clothes) 

gacha, gachari = the click of something opening, such as a latch, a door, or even a belt (see also kacha) 

gahaha = evil laugh, same as bwahaha, fwahaha, gwahaha 

gakin = clash 

gaku = shaking, wobbling (see also kaku, kakun)

gakun, gakunto, gakuri = to collapse, fall 

gapu = big bite, chomp (see also paku) 

gan = revelation, usually horrible 

GAAA-N = BIG revelation, always horrible 

gangan = strong or violent action 

gara gara, garan = clatter, rattle (see also bara bara, chara chara) 

gasa, goso = rustle, stealthy movement 

gashan = crash, impact (see also gashin, gochin) 

gashi = grab (see also gaba, gyu) 

gashin = crash, impact (see also gashan, gochin) 

gasshiri = solid 

gata, gatan = to reel in shock from a revelation 

gata, gatan = to fall or collapse 

gatsu gatsu/gatu gatu = gobble food (see also hau hau, paku) 

gaya = excited crowd sound 

gebo = throwing up 

gefu = belch, burp 

geho = cough (see also goho, kehen, kon, koho) 

gennari = exhausted 

geshi geshi = not sure about this. At times it seems to be a wiping sound like goshi ; at others either a squashing or rustling sound. Maybe a general cloth sound? 

gi gi, giiee = sounds Kurama's plants (and other evil plants) make. (for other menacing sounds see go go go and uzo uzo) 

giku, gikuri = surprise (see also biku, piku) 

gin = glare, stare at (see also giro) 

gira = twinkle, shine, glint (see also kira, kiran) 

giri giri = scratching, grinding, more vigorous than kiri (see also bari bari) 

giri giri = at the limit, to have no time or space to spare 

giro = glare, stare at (see also gin) 

gishi = creaking (see also kishi) 

Gitai-go = not a sound effect, but the Japanese word for onomatopoeia, or sound effects. 

go go go go = general menace, a threatening atmosphere. (for other menacing sounds, see gi gi and uzo uzo) 

gochin = impact. W-san: "Another comical collision sound." (see also gashan, gashin) 

gofu = cough 

goho, gohon = a deep, wet cough, also vomiting up water (see also geho, gofu, kehen, kon, koho) 

goku, gokun = gulp, swallow (see also kokun) 

goooo = a roar. Can be a fire sound, often used for Hiei's fire attacks (see also bo, guooo, po) 

goro goro = purr purr 

goro, goron = rolling over. It's supposed to be something heavy rolling over, but we've seen it used for tiny little Hiei rolling. Maybe it means he's rolling heavily. 

goshi = scrubbing, rubbing, wiping (see also koshi) 

goso = rummage, rustle 

goun = the sound of a washing machine. Really. At least, we've seen it used for that specifically by two different djka. The sound of a dryer, however, is guon (see the difference?) 

gowa gowa = stiff, rigid

gu = grabbing, pulling (see also gaba, gui, gyu) 

gu = what you sound like when you're sleeping (see also supigu, ku, suka, suya, gussuri.) Gu and ku are similar to zzzzz. Supigu is peaceful sleep. K-san says "it's sort of a whistling sound." 

gu = stomach growling (see also ku, kyururu) 

gucha = smashing, crushing (see also gusha) 

guchi guchi = wet sound? twisting sound? We're not sure. 

gui = grab (see also gaba, gu, gyu) 

gui = gulp 

gunya = sudden mental realization 

guon = the sound of a dryer. For the sound of a washing machine, see goun 

guooo = a roar. Can be a fire sound, often used for Hiei's fire attacks (Cf. bo, goooo, po) 

gura = stagger, move shakily (see also zuru) 

guri = to give noogies 

gusha = squeeze, grab, crush (see also gucha) 

gussuri = deep sleep (see also gu, ku, suka, supigu, suya) 

gutta, guttari = droopy, wilted, limp. Used to describe people or plants. (see also kuta) 

gutto, guutto = extreme concentration, also strong emotion 

guzu = whine, grumble (see also boso, busu, gyaa) 

gwahaha = evil laugh, same as bwahaha, fwahaha, gahaha 

gya = shriek (see also kya) 

gya = grab (see also gaba, gyu) 

gyaa gyaa = whine, grumble (see also boso, busu, guzu) 

gyo = shock 

gyu, kyu = grab, squeeze, twist (see also gaba, gya) 

gyuu, gyuun = fast motion (see also byu, hyu, pyu) 

ha! = sound of surprise or realization. Can mean catching breath in shock or panic. 

ha, haa haa = panting, exhalation 

ha ha ha = laughter (masculine laughter, as opposed to ho ho ho, which is refined feminine laughter) (see also ahaha) 

hakkiri = clear, unambiguous 

hamu = bite, chew, glomp, as in Lively Little Hiei-chan glomping onto a spoon 

hara hara = to fall gently, like a flower petal.... 

hata = soft, quiet landing noise. (for a louder rattle see gata) 

hau hau = gobbling (see also gatsu, paku) 

he he he = heh heh heh (laugh) 

hena hena = worn out, exhausted. (see also heto heto) 

henshin = transformation (as from Tsukino Usagi to Sailor Moon). We've seen it used at least once as a sound effect. 

hero hero = spineless, limp, or pliable (see also mero, pura, puran) 

heta = collapsing, sitting down in despair or exhaustion 

heto heto = worn out, exhausted. (see also hena hena) 

hiee = exclamation: eek, yikes 

hiii, hiiie = shriek 

hihiin = high-pitched whinny, as of a horse 

hiku, hiku hiku = shaking, as with anger or sobs (compare to shiku) 

hiku = hiccup 

hiri hiri = continuous pain or irritation 

hiso hiso = whisper whisper 

hiya hiya = fear, worry 

hn = huh, hrumph, humph. Traditional spelling of Hiei's traditional interjection. When anybody else says it, we've rendered it huh or humph.. 

hoisatto, arayotto = K-san: "These are used when one is doing some physical task and finishing it easily. One uses either or both of them at a time." 

ho ho ho = laughter, specifically, refined feminine laughter. (see also ahahaha, ha ha ha for masculine laughter) 

hoka hoka = warmth, heat (internal or external) 

honobono = peaceful, harmonious, tranquil 

hooo = wind 

hote hote = toddle toddle (see also tote) 

hu, hua (fu, fua) = sigh 

hu hu hu = (or fu fu fu) a strange laugh 

hu-e = cry, wail (see also e, miiii) 

hun = huh, hrumph, humph (see hn) 

hunka hunka (funka funka) = sniff sniff 

hyoi = popping up suddenly, quick movement such as reaching 

hyoko = popping up suddenly 

hyu, hyun = quick movement, such as the leaps Hiei makes, or Kurama's whip moving (see also byu, gyu, pyu) 

hyuuuuu = cold wind, lonely wind 

icha icha, ichakura ichakura = displaying affection in public. K-san: "touching and carrying on." Acting spoony. ^_- 

ira ira = fume fume. It's also been suggested that this is the sound of clenched or grinding teeth. 

iso iso = moving blithely, happily 

ja, jaaaa = water/liquid flowing or rushing, or any other hissing sound (see also jo, ju, zu) 

ja ja ja = hiss hiss hiss (such as the sound of Kurama frying something) 

jabon = big splash (see also shapu, zabu, and bashan, picha, pisha for smaller splashes) 

jaki = glint of something sharp 

jan, jan jan = tada! 

jiiiiii, jiiiin, jiiiito, jiiiton = the sound of staring, of silence, or of remaining frozen/ motionless. Often used in djs to indicate that a character is moved beyond words, stunned beyond words, or just generally beyond words. (see also shiiiin) As a word, jitto emphasizes being motionless, jiitto emphasizes the duration of being still. 

jiku jiku = numbness 

jiro, jiro-jiro-to = a hard look. 'Jiro-jiro-to' means 'in a fixed, staring manner.' 

jiri, jiri jiri = something scraping on the ground. Sometimes used for a charater inching forward or backward 

jitabata = flail one's arms and legs (or one's tail, in the case of 'The Mermaid Princess' ) (compare to dotabata for running around in confusion) 

jiwa = tears welling up 

jiwa jiwa = slowly but steadily 

jo, joro joro = water/liquid flowing or pouring (see also dara dara, jururu, zururu) 

jururu = drool (see also dara dara, jo, zururu) 

ka(a) = light (see also pa, po) 

ka, kan = heels going click, footsteps 

kaa = face turning red, blushing (see also po) 

kacha = the click of something opening, such as a latch, a door, or even a belt (see also gacha) 

kaji = bite, gnaw, sink your little fangs into (see also agi, agu, kari) 

kaku = scratching, running a hand through hair, paddling a hand in water 

kaku, kakun = shaking, wobbling, losing balance (see also gaku) 

kapan = rattle, open (compare to batan, patan for closing) 

kara = empty 

karakara = bone dry 

karan = rattle, open 

kari kari = something scratching on something else, e.g., a pen on paper, somebody's little fangs on your head 

kasa, kase = rustle. Commonly used for a quiet footstep in the grass, also can be paper, cloth, or other material rustling. 

katsu katsu = clomp clomp 

kehen = cough (see also geho, gofu, goho, kon, koho) 

kerori = unaffected, casual, unimpressed 

ki = glare, the glint of a dagger eye 

kii = squeak, high-pitched sound, as in a door squeaking 

kiiiii! = long high-pitched sound: brakes squealing, hysterical scream (see also biiii for shrieking) 

kichi kichi = full, jam-packed 

kichin, kichinto = meticulously, carefully 

kin kon, kan kon, kin koun (and other variations) = ding dong, as of a school bell (see also pin pon) 

kippari = flatly, definitely, clearly (to say something this way) 

kira, kiran, kirari = twinkle, shine, glint (see also gira) 

kiri kiri = scratching or scraping, less vigorous than giri 

kiri kiri = business, haste 

kishi = creaking (see also gishi) 

kochoku = frozen, paralyzed 

koho = cough (see also goho, kehen, kon) 

koi = come on (as a fighting phrase) 

koi koi = come, come, beckoning 

kokun = swallow (see also goku, gokun) 

kokuri, kokkun = nod 

kon = quiet impact, such as knocking at a door 

kon = soft cough (see also goho, kehen, koho) 

kopo = pouring 

kori = crunch, as in eating. K-san: "Pori pori is the quietest crunching. Pori pori is for cookies; bari bari is for chips. Kori kori is for broccoli and asparagus." (see also bari, pari, pori) 

kori kori = scraping 

koro, koron = dropping something, something rolling or tumbling (see also poro) 

koshi koshi = rubbing, wiping (see also goshi, geshi) 

koso, kossori = sneaky, doing something stealthily 

koto, kotsun = little clink, like the sound of a glass being put down or a tear gem falling. 

kotsu kotsu = slowly but surely 

ku = sleeping (see also gu, supigu, suka, suya) 

ku, ku ku, ku ku ku = giggle in the throat 

ku, kukyururu, kyururu = stomach rumbling, tummy growling 

kudo kudo = repetitive 

kuha = yawn (see also fua, fa) 

kukaa = sleepy breathing 

kukuri = distinct, clear 

kun kun = smelling 

kune kune = wiggling like a snake (see also nyoro nyoro) 

kunka kunka = sniff sniff (as of smelling). (see also funka, hunka, nku) 

kura = dizziness (see also fura) 

kurin = curling (as in the movement of tentacles or an unhappy dog's tail) 

kuru = turning 

kusha, kushu, kushun = sneeze: ker-choo! 

kusu = little laugh 

kuta, kutari = droopy, wilted, limp. Used to describe people or plants. (see also guttari) 

kya = shriek (see also gya) 

kyapi kyapi = happy noisy girlish chattering 

kyoro kyoro = looking this way and that, searching for something with the eyes 

kyu, gyu = grab 

kyururu, ku, kukyururu = stomach rumbling, tummy growling 


meki meki = quick progress 

mero mero = limp, floppy (see also hero, pura, puran) 

meso meso = whimper, sniffle 

miii = cry, wail (see also e, hu-e) 

Miin miin = The sound of cicadas in the summer 

mishi mishi = creak creak 

moji moji = shyness 

moku = eating, munching (see also mugu) 

momi = groping (this one comes up a lot, sadly) 

mu, musu, mumuu, muun = grimace, anger, sulkiness. It's been suggested that the sound of 'mu' is a sort of closed-mouth grunt--perhaps similar to the sound of disapproval Marge Simpson makes? 

mugu, muku = eating, munching with closed mouth (see also moku) 

muka muka = sick, nauseated 

muku = getting up, sitting up 

munyu = The sound of groping--usually a girl's chest 

mura mura = sexual arousal 

n? = Hm? Huh? 

n = a grunt, as of surprise, effort, sleepiness, pain, or passion. We've had translators render the actual sound in different ways: mm, n, nh, ngh, ng, ung, unh. Lately we've been going with nh or ng. 

nade nade = stroke stroke, pet pet 

nashi = smack (see also bashi, pashi) 

nchu = kiss (see also buchu, chu, uchu) 

ni, niko, nikori = smile, grin (see also nipa, nita) 

nipa(a) = brilliant smile, grin (see also niko, nita) 

nisho = effort (see also nsho, nshotto, yoisho) 

nita = sinister smile (see also niko, nipa) 

niyari, nyari = leer 

nku = sniff sniff, inhale (see also funka, hunka, kunka) 

nnuuu = see nuuu 

noro noro = slowness 

nsho, nshotto = effort (see also nisho, unsho, yoisho) 

nukenuke, nukenuketo = nonchalantly (to speak or act that way) 

nuru, nuru nuru, nurun = greasing, soaping, making slippery 

nuuuu = menace. W-san: "'Nuu' is often used when something unknown, mysterious, or big appears out of nowhere." 

nyari, niyari = leer 

nyoro nyoro = W-san: "Something long and thin like a snake moving along with a wriggling motion." (see also kune kune) 

oi = hey! 

oisho, yoisho, nsho, nshotto, nisho = effort, strain: Oof! Umph! 

oo! = approving exclamation: Oh! Whoa! 

oooo = wind howling 

oooo = menacing roar, animal or mechanical (such as the roar of an engine) (see also buroro) 

ora ora = what you say when you punch somebody repeatedly. A fighting taunt or war cry; we've had it loosely translated as "Take that!" "Try this!" (see also dorya, orya, sorya, uraa) 

oro oro = shock, surprise, befuddlement, confusion. (You don't usually say it, though, unlike Kenshin.) 

orya = what to yell as you attack; a fighting taunt or war cry. (see also dorya, ora, sorya, uraa) 

osoru osoru = timidly 

pa(a) = light, shining (see also ka, po) 

pachi = K-san: "A sharp, snappy sound." Can be click, crackle, clap, crack, etc. We've seen it used for opening eyes, bursting veins, clapping, and indeterminate ominous things happening. 

paka = opening, separating. W-san: "A sound describing something opening in half. Like when Peachboy came out of his giant peach, the sound the peach made was 'paka.'" 

paka = snap 

paku = closing mouth on food, chomp (see also gapu) 

paku paku = opening and closing mouth, eating, gobbling. This is where Pac-man came from! (see also hau, gatsu) 

pan = sudden impact 

pan pan = pat, pat or smack, smack, as of dusting hands (or oneself) off 

pari = crunch, as in eating (see also bari, kori, pori)

pari pari = crackle, as of energy or electricity. Quieter than bari bari. 

parin = crash, clash 

pasa = rustling, e.g. cloth sliding, paper moving

pasha = splashing, as with the hand (see also pisha) For a big splash, see zabun. 

pashi = impact: smack! click! (see also bashi, nashi) 

pata pata = flap flap 

patata = spatter spatter 

patan = door slamming (see also batan) 

pechanko, peshanko = flattened, crushed 

peko = bow 

peko peko = bow over and over (grovel) 

pero, pero pero = licking (see also bero) 

peron = rolling up or down, or flipping 

petan, petanto = smooth, flat. Also, to flop down on the floor. 

pi = beep, peep, any other short high-pitched sound 

pi, picha, pichon = drip (see also po, pochan, pota) 

pichi = flap, bounce, snap (see also bichi) 

piiii = shrill sound, beeper, telephone, whistle 

piii piii = chirp chirp 

piku, pikuri = blink, noticing something. May be from piku = twitch = pricking up the ears. 

piku = twitch 

pin pon = ding dong, bell (see also kin kon) 

piri = tearing, as in ripping cloth, opening a potato chip bag ) see also biri 

piri piri = sharp sensation, as of pain, electricity, spiciness. Can be the sharpness or electricity of a glare. 

pisha = splashing, as with the hand (see also pasha) For a big splash, see zabun. 

pishi = crack (as of a whip), smack (see also bishi) 

pita = stopping 

pito = gentle touch 

piyo = peep 

po, pochan, pota = drip, plunk. Pochan = kerplunk! (see also pi, picha, pichon, pochi) 

po = flame, light. Can also be blushing. For other fire sounds see bo, gooo, guooo. Other light sounds include paa, kaa. 

Po = Po's nom de plume. Has nothing to do with sound effects, and everything to do with Tinky Winky, Dipsy, and Laa Laa. 

pochi pochi = something happening steadily, as in water dripping 

poi = throwing or tossing something 

poka = impact 

poka poka = warmth of the sun 

pon = impact, fairly quiet 

pon, pom = sound of magical transformation or appearance, often seen with a puff of smoke (see also bon, dororonpa) 

pootto = dazed, obsessed 

pori pori = eating, crunching, softer than 'bari bari.' K-san: "Pori pori is the quietest crunching. Pori pori is for cookies; bari bari is for chips. Kori kori is for broccoli and asparagus." (see also bari, kori, pari) 

poro, poto = dropping something, something rolling (see also koro, koron) 

potsun = aloneness, separation 

puchi puchi = pop pop, crackle crackle 

puku, pukupuku = swelling, something swollen (see also buku) 

pun pun = bad-smelling 

pu pu pu, upupupu = yet another strange laugh (see also fu fu fu) 

pura pura, puran = limp, floppy (see also hero, mero) 

puri puri = anger (see also puuu) 

puru = shake, quiver (see also puri, furu) 

pusu = puncturing, penetrating 

pusu pusu = the sound of something smoldering or smoking (see also busu busu) 

puu = puff 

puuuu = anger (see also puri puri) 

puutto = snort, honk, toot (from a horn or any bodily orifice ^_^) 

pyu = fast motion (see also byu, gyu, hyu) 


runtata = music. In this case, used for something Hiei-chan is humming. Run is a slow beat and tata quick beats. (see also bunchacha) 

sa, saa = hissing, rain, water running (softer sound than zaa, which can also be rain) 

sa, saaaa = rustling, wind 

sa, sasa = quick motion 

sa, saku = step 

sara sara = smooth, light, dry 

sasu sasu = rubbing 

sawa, sawayaka = cool, refreshing, something that makes you feel refreshed (see also suka) 

sesseto = working steadily 

shaaa = something slicing through air: whishhh! 

shaka shaka = scrape scrape 

shapu shapu = splash (see also zabun) 

shiiin = the sound of staring, of silence, or of remaining frozen/ motionless. Often used in djs to indicate that a character is moved beyond words, stunned beyond words, or just generally beyond words. (see also jiiiin) 

shiku shiku = sobbing, whimpering 

shire = shrug (we think) Definitely a strange 'don't look at me' look. 

shittori = moist. Also calm, soothing. 

shizu = move solemnly 

shobo shobo = sadness, moping 

shu = quick movement, fabric rubbing, swish 

shuuuu = fog, mist, steam 

shubo = the sound of a flame igniting, e.g. lighting a lighter. (Maybe shu = quick movement/rubbing plus bo = light.) 

shun = W-san: "This sound describes something wilting. It can be used for people, to describe being sad." 

shuru, shururu, shurun = snaking motion. Often used for Rose Whip or other vines or tendrils snaking around. 

sorya = what to yell as you attack; a fighting taunt or war cry. (see also dorya, ora, orya, uraa)

sosokusa = running away quickly, beating a hasty retreat 

sowa sowa = restless, fidgety (as in 'Ammari sowasowa shinaide!' (Don't get so fidgety!), the first line of 'Lum no Love Song') 

su = breathe in (compare to fu, breathe out) 

su = slow movement, e.g. cloth slowly slipping off, someone moving smoothly 

sube sube = smooth 

subu = see tsubu 

sui = smooth movement, as of a good skater 

suka = whooshy sound. K-san: "the sound of swinging a baseball bat and missing." Togashi frequently uses it for punches missing. 

suka = something sparse. K-san: "When you get a big box which is light for its size, and you shake it, and the packing material makes rustling sounds, that's suka suka. Or when you put on a big pair of jeans, you say 'These are suka suka (too big).'" 

suka, suya = sleeping (see also gu, ku, supigu) 

suka, sukari, sukkiri, sukato = feeling of refreshment. K-san: "for example, when you drink a carbonated drink on a hot day." (see also sawa, sawayaka) 

sukon = plunk, plonk 

suku = getting up, standing up 

sunari = slender, smooth, graceful (see also surari) 

supa, supari = cutting or breaking something (see also zuba) 

supigu = peaceful sleep, a whistling sound (see also gu, ku, suka, suya) 

suppa suppa = puff puff 

supo = pop? Anyway, the sound of tight something being pulled off (or pulled out), such as Hiei's boot coming off his foot, or an arrow coming out of Hiei-chan's head. 

surari, surarito = long and straight, slim, slender (see also sunari) 

suru = slow movement, e.g. cloth slowly slipping off.... 

suta = landing (as in after you've jumped) 

sutatata = running 

suten = falling 

sutetete = a little kid running fast 

suton = sit 

taaaaa = dashing, running (see also da, do do do, tatata) 

tappuri = full, stuffed 

tatatata = running lightly 

tehe = teehee, giggle 

teka teka = shiny, smooth surface 

teku teku = walking (see also to to to, toko toko) 

ten ten tenmari tentemari = traditional song to accompany bouncing a ball 

tere = abashed. K-san: "Embarrassed in a happy way. Like when you're asked out on a date by somebody you like, you go 'tere.'" 

to = quiet impact, e.g. a soft landing from a jump 

to to to = walking (see also teku, toko) 

to, ton, tonde = jumping 

tobo tobo = dejected walking 

toko toko = walking (see also teku teku) 

tokun = harder heartbeat (see also dokun) 

ton = fairly quiet impact 

tontonton = chopchopchop (as of food) or any other light continuous action (see also dondondon) 

toppuri = night falling, the sun disappearing 

tote = toddle toddle (see also hote) 

tsu = A small tsu on its own in a word balloon puzzled us for a while. We tried various things, but finally M.J. came up with what we think is the best solution. "I hear it as a slightly high-pitched 'uh' made by catching your breath in your throat." So from now on we're translating it as 'uh.' 

tsu, su = rain 

tsu, tsuuuu = bzzzzzzzz (insect sound) 

tsubu = eyes (and only eyes) closing 

tsun tsun = bad-smelling, stinky (see also pun pun) 

tsuru, tsurun = sliding, also used for something smooth or slick 

tsutsutsu, sususu = sliding 

tsuya tsuya = shining, glowing (the way Kurama looks in the morning ^_^) 

u = ugh, urgh, ulp! A grunt or growl of surprise, pain, or anger. 

uchu = kiss (see also buchu, chu, nchu) 

ugogo = choking 

uka uka, ukkari = daydreaming, not paying attention 

ukkun = swallow, gulp (see also gokun, kokun) 

umu = uh, uh-huh, hmm (see also fumu) 

uni = the noise you make with your mouth when you're waking up 

unsho = effort (see also nsho, yoisho) 

unzari = bored, fed up 

uraaa, uryaaa = roar, war cry (see also dorya, ora, orya, sorya) 

ura ura = swaying 

uto = nodding off 

utsura = half-asleep 

uttori = enraptured by beauty 

uuu = sound of anger: Urrgh! 

uwaaaa! = exclamation: Auuugh! 

uzo uzo = menace. A sound that evil creatures and nasty plants make. (see also gi gi and go go go) 


wa! = (a character saying it) Wow! Ack! 

waa, waaa waaa = (a crowd's) excited roar (see also wai wai, wara wara) 

wai = (a character saying it) feminine exclamation of delight. M.J. says of 'wai' and 'wai wai,' "Both are also kid's language for delight, is why female characters say it to be cute, I think." 

wai wai = (as a background effect) noise, excitement, lots of people talking (see also wa, wara wara) 

waku, waku waku = excitement. K-san: "Happy cute excitement." 

wan wan = bow wow 

wara wara = crowd noise (see also waa, wai wai) 

wasa wasa = rustle rustle? 

wata wata = flap flap 


yaho, yahoi = yoohoo! hey! hi! 

yakimoki = fretting, worrying 

yanwari = soft, gentle 

yare-yare = one of the words/phrases we've left in the original. What you say when you're frustrated, exasperated, or giving up: Oh, well. What the heck. Good grief. 

yoisho = effort (see also nsho, unsho) 

yoji = the sound a cockroach makes when crawling up your back. May be related to jiri jiri, which is inching. 

yoro, yororo = stagger, waddle, walk shakily 

yusa = shaking (something) 

za, za za za = footstep on grass, walking quickly or running through grass or bushes 

za = generic white noise sound, can be tv static, etc. 

ZA! = strong, energetic movement. 

za za, zaa zaaa = rustling, e.g., wind rustling in leaves, grass 

zaa = rain (louder rain than saa) 

zaba, zabu, zabun = big splash (see also jabon, shapu, and bashan, picha, pisha for smaller splashes) 

ZAKU! = cross between za and zoku? 

zashu = lash, slash 

zawa = rustle. May be specific to plants, we've seen it used for trees and Kurama's power rising. 

zawa = crowd noise 

ze, zei = wheeze, gasp 

zoku, zotto = chill or shiver (see also chiri) 

zooon = rumbling, shaking 

zu = drool or other liquid flowing 

zu = sip, slurp (see also zuzu) 

zu, zun = vigorous motion 

zu(uu), zu(uu)n = disappointment, sadness. W-san: "It often describes things sinking, and can mean a sinking heart." 

zuba, zubari = to slice or cut with a single blow (see also supa) 

zugagaga, zugogogo = combination of vigorous action and menace? Anyway, loud drastic things happening. 

zuki = sharp pain 

zumo, zumomomo = menace, looming 

zunguri = dumpy 

zuri, zuriri, zuru = stagger when walking, or fall back in shock (see also gura) 

zuru = sip, slurp (see also zuzu) 

zuru = strong movement, more vigorous than 'suru' 

zuru, zuru zuru = something heavy dragging or being pulled 

zururu = slurp (see jururu) 

zusasa = zu (vigorous) plus sasa (quick motion). We've seen it used for a quick scuttling recoil. 

zuzu = sip (see also zuru)
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